
I've been tagged

So I am supposed to tell you 7 little known facts about me. Angie tagged me and I figured that since I hadn't posted in awhile now is the time.

1) I love to play games of any kind (computer games, crossword puzzles board games etc.).

2) I was born in Henderson Texas. At the time it was a town of about 10,000 in East Texas. It is the reason that still to this day I am a Dallas Cowboys Fan. When I was Little I even Wanted to be A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader (Boy am I glad that our aspirations change as we grow up).

3) My other Life goal when I was 5 was to be a Taco Bell Drive Thru person (refer back to the above point about aspirations).

4) I love the Movie 10 Things I Hate About You! It is Junior High humor but I still laugh every time I watch it.

5) I love to bake! It is a bad thing to love because when I get bored I love to make cookies or scones or any kind of dessert.

6) I had a crush on my husband in High School and he didn't know about it until much later. I always thought that he was out of my league but Oh how the mighty have fallen....LOL.

7) I am doing what used to dream of doing. I get to stay at home with my boys, and although most days are not how I pictured being a mom in my head, I love it and wouldn't change it for the world.

Now I have to Tag other Bloggers the Problem is that I know very few people who blog so here is my one Tag.